You’ve got the PASSION, the SKILLS, and the DREAM of running a thriving biz…

So, why aren’t you earning six figures yet? 😓

REAL TALK: It's because you have no idea how

It’s time to work smarter, sis. 👩‍💻

Most bakers end up spending an INSANE amount of time and money on classes and tools to improve their skills, thinking their work will sell itself and result in HUGE SALES.

But truth is... perfecting your craft isn't gonna get you where you wanna be!

Bake Your Way to
SIX- Figures Workshop


Get step-by-step strategy to help you strengthen the FOUNDATION of your business, prioritize PROFITABILITY, and FINALLY start making the $$$ you DESERVE.

If PASSION was enough to fuel a PROFITABLE SIX-FIGURE BUSINESS...every entreprenuer would be a millionaire

But being passionate about what you do doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have the processes and systems to back it up. 

Take it from someone who's been there...

When I started my baking business 13+ years ago, I began with NOTHING. 

❌ NO MONEY... 



And I made all the MISTAKES that every first-time business owner makes: I tried doing everything ALONE, OVERWORKED myself to BURNOUT, and invested HUNDREDS of dollars into the latest and greatest classes, courses, techniques, that resulted in NOTHING in return. 

But the truth is I wasn't asking the right questions. And friend, maybe you aren't either...

Fast forward to today:

I built my business from home into a  SUCCESSFUL SEVEN-FIGURE brick & mortar 

After 12+ amazing years in the biz, I retired to coach and mentor small business owners and creators (like you!)

I’ve taken all my experience, coupled with my business expertise and corporate background, and have helped THOUSANDS of  CREATORS & MAKERS build businesses they love! (Not resent!)

And I wanna share ALL that knowledge with YOU! 

For the FIRST TIME EVER, you'll be able to learn the strategies we've only ever shared during our in-person events so you can... 

take control of your BUSINESS, and life- while gaining clarity, confidence, and building a solid foundation for your business.  Not to mention, YOU making the MONEY you deserve! 🍰💰

This 2-hour workshop isn’t a quick fix, another pricing class, or a class that’s going to sell you an idea and teach you nothing…  

In this workshop you'll learn: 

How to strategically price your products to MAXIMIZE profitability 

Understand the difference between VOLUME and CAPACITY (and why it’s the KEY to making six-figures)

Build on your business’ EXISTING potential (& knowing how much you’re capable of making)

How to make $1K in PROFIT so you’re NEVER scrambling for revenue

How to DOUBLE  CUSTOMER FREQUENCY and keep them coming back for more!

Create the perfect CUSTOMIZED STRATEGY for YOUR business (so you can stop feeling overwhelmed and start feeling EMPOWERED) 

Sign up now and get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to our 2-hour "Bake Your Way to 6-Figures" LIVE workshop and grab a copy of our workbook too!

The only way to ensure that your hard work translates into $$$ is if you pair it with strategy, PROPER PRICING, and finding ways to INCREASE your customers to get them coming back for more.

In this workshop, we’re serving you BUSINESS GOLD and talking about ALL the elements you NEED that will help you get to SIX-FIGURES (everything from cost of your ingredients, packaging, to pricing your TIME and LABOR). 

This is a once-in-a-lifetime workshop has only ever been available at one of our events. 

Don't miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime!

So what’re you waiting for!?